Thursday, June 7, 2007

didn't see that coming

Today was such a long day. I'm not used to actually being awake for most of the day. I better get used to it though. I'm gonna need to get a bike at some point. From walking around last night and for a lot during the day today, I have done a number on my lower back. My body is rebelling for me making it do so much that isn't walking from the couch to the fridge. I didn't have the best day today. I didn't find a place to live or even one that still had a room available. I'm starting to get worried which is not what I need right now. I may need to pay a lot more than I had planned for rent which could be a really big problem. I have to go to the bank tomorrow to find out about how I can get cheques or if I even can. This could end being one short trip. I think I can see the West Edmonton Mall from my window. Hmm. My back really hurts. I think I'm gonna go drug myself and go to bed even though its only 11:30 here. Goodnight Booster Juice.

1 comment:

milica said...

it'll get better
p.s. yeah, we're blog buddies
haha, yes i did just refer to us as blog buddies
get used to it ;)