Wednesday, July 25, 2007
You know when a patients family withdraws treatment and someone "pulls the plug"? Jenn is THAT person. She has had to do it to two or three people so far. I call her the Angel of Death. Just thought I'd share.
I forgot what the second thing was.
I actually have colour in my skin now. One good thing about working outside. It's only on my forearms, neck, and face but it's a start.
I took two huge chunks out of my finger today with my wire strippers. Still working on my hand-eye co-ordination. So that hurt a lot and kept bleeding for a while. I made myself a band-aid out of a piece of paper towel and electrical tape. When James sustains an injury he just wraps it with electrical tape. I remembered the one painful thing that happened at work two weeks ago. I burned my fingers on a drill bit. I sorta forgot that friction (drilling through joist) creates heat (ow). It hurt so bad. I burned my fingers again when I went to turn off the one halogen light in the basement today. That's what reminded me. We finally finished the main floor on that same house we have been working on for 5 days. We still have to finish the basement and do something on the second floor. We all are sick of the house. James finally cracked yesterday and got out the Sawzall and just started hacking up walls and ceilings to find the wires. There's only so much you can do to try and preserve the house. He found even more junction boxes and loose wires and other crap. If it was up to me I would have just ripped everything out the first day. I said that's what we should do, but James didn't want to make the guy pay too much to replace all of the drywall and everything else. The guy is going to have to now anyway. This is why you do it right the first time. Hire professionals. If you do it yourself then you can either get it inspected and have it fail and then pay someone to come in and rip it all up, or not get it inspected and then have your house burn down. And if you do hire someone, make sure they're reputable. Ask for references, check them out online, whatever. There's a lot of people out there posing as contractors and the like who will take your money and run. Just ask Mike Holmes.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Been a while since I posted anything. First off, I got paid on Friday(13). It was a nice feeling to have money coming in finally. However, that money is one of the only things keeping me going. I started getting fed up with the way my boss was treating me and talking to me. I'm not gonna get into it because he has more or less stopped. To me anyway. He still yells at his son all the time. It was weird though because Thursday after work I said something to my parents about how he was treating me and then the next day he was nice to me, and this whole week he's been a lot nicer to me. I get the feeling he was trying to see how dedicated to learning the trade I was. See if I would quit. But I haven't. Came close, but no dice. I do need to work for another company though. I hate renovations so much, and he told me that he hates doing new construction because he finds it "boring". COME ON. Ugh. But ya it's driving me nuts. These idiots that think they know electrical and just mess everything up and then we come in and have to try and figure out what they were thinking when they did it, and then fix it all. Also I found out that the one house we worked in two weeks or so ago, definitely had asbestos in it. And I got thinking, oh was that the stuff that I was working around and hitting and breathing in without a mask on? Yupp. So happy days. Shortly after that my throat started hurting and it hasn't stopped. It still hurts right now. It's probably from a combination of the asbestos, various insulations, possible mold, old animal droppings, possible dead animals, all other forms of dust that I have been breathing without wearing a mask. These houses are old. Should be wearing an N95 while I'm working. This house that we've been at for the past few days is total crap. The idiot owner decided to renovate the place himself. A regular "handyman". So far we've had to almost re-wire everything that he did. Only reason we haven't re-wired everything is because we haven't gotten to everything yet. There's always something else wrong that we find. The one task James keeps getting me to do is trying to get rid of all the junction boxes the guy used. So far we've found 4 that were sealed in the ceiling in one room. That was after James got mad and just started ripping finished painted drywall off the ceiling. He gets to do all the fun stuff. We've already been at this place for 3 days or maybe 4, and we still have lots to do. If the place would have been gutted and we were able to do it all new, we would have had it completely done in 3. maybe even 2. James had me and Junior checking receptacles on the main floor and he ended up telling us to just rip them out box and all. He did the first one and caused a lot of damage to the surrounding drywall. He said that it was ok, so i had no problem when I ripped a box out and took a big chunk or drywall with it. We rewired the boxes, put them back in and replaced a few that got destroyed from the removal. The owners gonna have to fix the walls. And the ceiling James ripped down. As James told me, sometimes you need to teach these guys a lesson. I've sustained a number of injuries since my last post. I don't remember most of them. A lot of cuts. I do remember punching a tree, but not on purpose. I was digging a trench for some PVC conduit and it was right by a tree and the shovel threw my hand forward right into the tree. That hurt and bled. Oh, and Junior and I were running cable for the meters at this house and my fist ended up inside the one multiple times. I was feeding the wire down the conduit and it got caught but then in gave way and smack right against all the nice hard-edged metal in the box. And then I did it a couple more times.
Monday, July 9, 2007
somewhat weeklyish update
Friday night I introduced Milica to Booster Juice and saw Transformers. So good. Sunday heard Mike speak at Maple Creek. Today, worked in the icky icky heat. I hate summer.