Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Here's just some stuff that I've learned and such.
You know when a patients family withdraws treatment and someone "pulls the plug"? Jenn is THAT person. She has had to do it to two or three people so far. I call her the Angel of Death. Just thought I'd share.
I forgot what the second thing was.
I actually have colour in my skin now. One good thing about working outside. It's only on my forearms, neck, and face but it's a start.
I took two huge chunks out of my finger today with my wire strippers. Still working on my hand-eye co-ordination. So that hurt a lot and kept bleeding for a while. I made myself a band-aid out of a piece of paper towel and electrical tape. When James sustains an injury he just wraps it with electrical tape. I remembered the one painful thing that happened at work two weeks ago. I burned my fingers on a drill bit. I sorta forgot that friction (drilling through joist) creates heat (ow). It hurt so bad. I burned my fingers again when I went to turn off the one halogen light in the basement today. That's what reminded me. We finally finished the main floor on that same house we have been working on for 5 days. We still have to finish the basement and do something on the second floor. We all are sick of the house. James finally cracked yesterday and got out the Sawzall and just started hacking up walls and ceilings to find the wires. There's only so much you can do to try and preserve the house. He found even more junction boxes and loose wires and other crap. If it was up to me I would have just ripped everything out the first day. I said that's what we should do, but James didn't want to make the guy pay too much to replace all of the drywall and everything else. The guy is going to have to now anyway. This is why you do it right the first time. Hire professionals. If you do it yourself then you can either get it inspected and have it fail and then pay someone to come in and rip it all up, or not get it inspected and then have your house burn down. And if you do hire someone, make sure they're reputable. Ask for references, check them out online, whatever. There's a lot of people out there posing as contractors and the like who will take your money and run. Just ask Mike Holmes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey now, I also help SAVE people's lives.