Monday, December 17, 2007
Then Tuesday (11) we were next door-ish at this other guy's place who is still building the house. This house is 8000 sq ft with a crazy view of Burlington. House itself is sorta ugly. Might look better when it's done. James had been there before I started working for him and had put in a temporary panel and sub panel while the guys built the house but now that it's winter and the structure and stuff is all done they wanted some power inside. So first I had to find the teck cable that was buried under the snow that was running over to the sub panel to discover that it was buried under the dirt for a few feet right by the box. Oh goody. So he found me a pickax and a shovel. The shovel did absolutely nothing to the ground. So a pickaxing I went. That was exhausting. We got the cable out, got the panel inside, ran the wire inside, hooked up the new panel, plugged all the other guys stuff in and done. There was more involved and it took up most of the day but I'll leave it short.
Wednesday we were on Bond Street putting in two wall sconces and a switch for them, and an extra counter plug. Only took the morning to do. Then we went back to the office, I got my cheque for the last 5 weeks and that is all in the way of work for the next 3 weeks. Finally.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
not a whole lot
Friday, November 16, 2007
wake up call
Thursday, November 8, 2007
rain, puke, sleep
Friday, October 19, 2007
how to go down stairs
Saturday, October 6, 2007
7998 more hours. So much has happened since I last wrote something here. I really should have written it down cause I can't remember a whole lot. We finally finished the house we were working on for 6 weeks down by Ivor Wynne on Lottridge. After doing almost all of the wiring I then had to put all of the plugs on, and all of the switches, and then all of the light fixtures. Oh ya! I think all of the light fixtures were from IKEA. yay. There were these lights that were for the two kitchens in the place and the instructions said not to use a regular bulb. That was apparent since they didn't fit. So we tried the smaller ones that we used for some of the other lights but they were too small. We had no idea what it wanted. James made several trips to Home Depot looking for the right bulbs but kept coming back with either nothing or the wrong ones. So the one day we were out doing a service call in Ancaster and on the way back he decided to stop off at Home Depot to grab some stuff and he sent me to look for the bulbs. 5 minutes later I had them. It's a gift what can I say? He couldn't believe it. He obssesed about it the rest of the day how I found them no problem and they were right in front of him the whole time. Win. That house is done and it turned out a lot nicer than I thought it would. If you would have seen what it looked like when we first got there and what it looks like now. Ya. I should really take a camera to work. Mine is messed up though. gotta look into getting a new one. We did some service calls after that and then this past Monday (10th) we began work in Westdale on Paisley St. I certainly enjoy working in that area. A lot. Because it's not ghetto and... it's a very nice looking part of the city. Yes. That's it. Anywho, we're rewiring the entire house, but unlike the last house which had no walls, this one still has them. So it's back to using the fish tape and getting my hands shredded sticking them into the holes for the boxes trying to grab the tape. Not pleasant. We finished up the top floor yesterday and then started the main floor and then started the basement. Today I finished all the lights and the smoke for the basement and started on the main floor. James had some words of wisdom for me. "Work smart, so you don't have to work hard." Works for me. I hit myself in the teeth with a light fixture. I remembered that the other day. I was working on the wires and it swung around and hit me right in the teeth. I didn’t like that. I got paid today, and he gave me a fancy pen with the the company name and phone number etched in it. Very swanky. Oh, and he decided to give me a raise. BOOYAH! FTW! And the TV is finally back after being gone for a month. My eyes got so used to staring at the little screen we had and now it looks huge. (that’s what she said) AND it’s the long turkey turkey gobbly weekend. Not bad.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
back to work
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
all your base
Monday, August 20, 2007
so it begins
Sunday, August 5, 2007
grilled cheese and tacos
Saturday Milica, Mike, Jenn, and I went to check out Doug's new place in St. Catharines and then we all went and saw The Bourne Ultimatum. Good movie. Little too much shaky camera though.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
long weekend
On a different note, I have a little poem. It's a love poem. It's called, Are you getting hotter or am I lowering my standards?
I looked at my watch,
it was quarter past two.
I saw your face and thought,
hmm... she'll do.
(I didn't write it I saw it on Just for Laughs)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
You know when a patients family withdraws treatment and someone "pulls the plug"? Jenn is THAT person. She has had to do it to two or three people so far. I call her the Angel of Death. Just thought I'd share.
I forgot what the second thing was.
I actually have colour in my skin now. One good thing about working outside. It's only on my forearms, neck, and face but it's a start.
I took two huge chunks out of my finger today with my wire strippers. Still working on my hand-eye co-ordination. So that hurt a lot and kept bleeding for a while. I made myself a band-aid out of a piece of paper towel and electrical tape. When James sustains an injury he just wraps it with electrical tape. I remembered the one painful thing that happened at work two weeks ago. I burned my fingers on a drill bit. I sorta forgot that friction (drilling through joist) creates heat (ow). It hurt so bad. I burned my fingers again when I went to turn off the one halogen light in the basement today. That's what reminded me. We finally finished the main floor on that same house we have been working on for 5 days. We still have to finish the basement and do something on the second floor. We all are sick of the house. James finally cracked yesterday and got out the Sawzall and just started hacking up walls and ceilings to find the wires. There's only so much you can do to try and preserve the house. He found even more junction boxes and loose wires and other crap. If it was up to me I would have just ripped everything out the first day. I said that's what we should do, but James didn't want to make the guy pay too much to replace all of the drywall and everything else. The guy is going to have to now anyway. This is why you do it right the first time. Hire professionals. If you do it yourself then you can either get it inspected and have it fail and then pay someone to come in and rip it all up, or not get it inspected and then have your house burn down. And if you do hire someone, make sure they're reputable. Ask for references, check them out online, whatever. There's a lot of people out there posing as contractors and the like who will take your money and run. Just ask Mike Holmes.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Been a while since I posted anything. First off, I got paid on Friday(13). It was a nice feeling to have money coming in finally. However, that money is one of the only things keeping me going. I started getting fed up with the way my boss was treating me and talking to me. I'm not gonna get into it because he has more or less stopped. To me anyway. He still yells at his son all the time. It was weird though because Thursday after work I said something to my parents about how he was treating me and then the next day he was nice to me, and this whole week he's been a lot nicer to me. I get the feeling he was trying to see how dedicated to learning the trade I was. See if I would quit. But I haven't. Came close, but no dice. I do need to work for another company though. I hate renovations so much, and he told me that he hates doing new construction because he finds it "boring". COME ON. Ugh. But ya it's driving me nuts. These idiots that think they know electrical and just mess everything up and then we come in and have to try and figure out what they were thinking when they did it, and then fix it all. Also I found out that the one house we worked in two weeks or so ago, definitely had asbestos in it. And I got thinking, oh was that the stuff that I was working around and hitting and breathing in without a mask on? Yupp. So happy days. Shortly after that my throat started hurting and it hasn't stopped. It still hurts right now. It's probably from a combination of the asbestos, various insulations, possible mold, old animal droppings, possible dead animals, all other forms of dust that I have been breathing without wearing a mask. These houses are old. Should be wearing an N95 while I'm working. This house that we've been at for the past few days is total crap. The idiot owner decided to renovate the place himself. A regular "handyman". So far we've had to almost re-wire everything that he did. Only reason we haven't re-wired everything is because we haven't gotten to everything yet. There's always something else wrong that we find. The one task James keeps getting me to do is trying to get rid of all the junction boxes the guy used. So far we've found 4 that were sealed in the ceiling in one room. That was after James got mad and just started ripping finished painted drywall off the ceiling. He gets to do all the fun stuff. We've already been at this place for 3 days or maybe 4, and we still have lots to do. If the place would have been gutted and we were able to do it all new, we would have had it completely done in 3. maybe even 2. James had me and Junior checking receptacles on the main floor and he ended up telling us to just rip them out box and all. He did the first one and caused a lot of damage to the surrounding drywall. He said that it was ok, so i had no problem when I ripped a box out and took a big chunk or drywall with it. We rewired the boxes, put them back in and replaced a few that got destroyed from the removal. The owners gonna have to fix the walls. And the ceiling James ripped down. As James told me, sometimes you need to teach these guys a lesson. I've sustained a number of injuries since my last post. I don't remember most of them. A lot of cuts. I do remember punching a tree, but not on purpose. I was digging a trench for some PVC conduit and it was right by a tree and the shovel threw my hand forward right into the tree. That hurt and bled. Oh, and Junior and I were running cable for the meters at this house and my fist ended up inside the one multiple times. I was feeding the wire down the conduit and it got caught but then in gave way and smack right against all the nice hard-edged metal in the box. And then I did it a couple more times.
Monday, July 9, 2007
somewhat weeklyish update
Friday night I introduced Milica to Booster Juice and saw Transformers. So good. Sunday heard Mike speak at Maple Creek. Today, worked in the icky icky heat. I hate summer.
Monday, July 2, 2007
now you know
Thursday, June 28, 2007
sweat, blood, and staples
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
so many cuts
Saturday, June 23, 2007
been a while
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
westside story
Monday, June 18, 2007
back again
Saturday, June 16, 2007
so bad
Saturday (today): Today was one of those days when you just want to lie down and die. I got up, got ready, walked to Kingsway Mall, met Jeff (contractor guy) and his son Jad. He had said he'd drive me. So away we went heading south. And we kept going south. And then we kept going. The avenue numbers were getting smaller and smaller. I live up at 122Ave. We ended up at 23Ave. Look at Google maps to get an idea. So I was like, whatever we're almost at the southern most part of the city no big deal. So Jeff was explaining to me what we were going to be doing. Finishing up a house with a concrete patio. Here's a picture of my Hand and Wrist after work. Let's just say concrete, is no longer my friend. First he got me to fasten the last of the reinforcement rod things which ended up giving me the chuck out my finger. Then the concrete came and it was my job to wheel the filled wheelbarrow from the truck to the patio and then dump it. Sounds easy enough. It's not. You have to get it to the back right against the house except you have to go over the reinforcement things which is over top of dirt which was damp and you're doing it with a lot of freakin concrete which weighs a lot and you have to almost run with it to keep from getting stuck. Recipe for disaster. So many times I dropped in and the wheel just sunk in the ground and got caught on the rods and stopped dead which made me run right into it and smash my shins. Twice it tipped when I was supposed to go to the back. I don't know how many I did. If I had to guess I'd say... about 20? maybe more. After a while it got harder and harder to lift the thing off the ground and then I started getting dizzier and my heart was pounding and I was having trouble breathing. Jad (9 yr old son) went and got me some water. Really nice kid by the way. I had to stop. I could barely stand. I went and sat in the shade around the side of the house and was there for an hour trying to stay conscious. I took off my gloves and noticed the big chunk out of my palm and the blisters on both hands and the incredible stinging sensation. Then I started getting bit by mosquitoes which some of you know I react horribly to. After I was able to stand I went back and helped with doing something with smoothing the edges. I don't know. They showed me how to do it so I did. When that was done he started hosing down the patio and using a broom. He told me to grab the hose and follow by him, but my steel toe boots' tread was too tough so I had to vacate the patio cause I was leaving holes and he got his one buddy to do it. Whatever. So I stood around watching. Then he said that I was done for the day so I went and sat down. Few minutes later he came over and said, so you know how to get back from here? I just said, Uh. No. So he told me that he'd drop e off at a bus stop and then I can just ask the bus driver how to get back to Kingsway. Yippee! So he dropped me off and said he'd call me Thursday because they're starting a new house next weekend. How about no? So I was standing there after he drove off back to the house and realized that I was at a "Future Bus Stop". No that doesn't mean it goes to the future, it means that no buses actually go by there but they will in the near future. Thanks. So I started walking trying to find where I was. I ended up calling Mitch and asking for a ride back. He said sure. While I was waiting, it started to hail. And then it poured rain. What a wonderful day. I was able to seek shelter in a Tim's and got myself a bagel. An hour and half later he showed up with Ryan. Not only is it at the other end of the city, there was an accident. Happy. Things started to get a little better because we went to a pet store and got to play with kittens. Mitch was looking into getting a dog. You know what kind? A PUG! (For those who don't know it's my favourite kind) He wanted either that or a boxer or a chihuahua. But ya, kittens = cute. Then we went to another pet place and found pugs and chihuahuas. Apparently those dogs are really expensive. $2000 expensive. Ya. So no puppy. Then we went to M&M's and Mitch got some stuff, then to Saveon where he got some stuff, and then back to the house. I changed and laid down while Mitch cooked up a bunch of the sausage he had that he brought from home. He's leaving in a week and wanted to try and get rid of as much food as he could before leaving. I'm going to go have some yogurt, be right back. Yum. Anyway, my hands hurt, my feet hurt, my knee still hurts, and so does my hip which I discovered was another injury from my wipe-out the other day. garbage. ya this one is long. I don't care.
Friday, June 15, 2007
could be a problem
Thursday, June 14, 2007
that's gonna bruise
I'm writing this one a lot earlier than normal because I need to go to bed to get up early and head over to the Bredin Institute. Tomorrow is the Job Search workshop. " Learn how to carry out your job search productively by applying other methods of job search other than using the newspaper or internet. Gain knowledge about how to access the "hidden job market," effectively use your network, cold calling, information interviewing and other networking techniques to find and secure the job of your dreams. " That's from their site. Unfortunately I didn't find out till after it was over that today was the Workplace Health and Safety workshop. That's the one I really need. Employers like seeing that certification. I have to wait till next week to get it now. This place also has printers and fax machines and other stuff. And the best part is that it's all free. It's perfect cause I need to fax some resumés out and they'll let me do it at no charge, and while I'm there they'll help me get a job. Hopefully. That reminds me I need to make some cover letters. I'll do that once I'm done here. Mitch asked me today if I wanted to come skateboarding with him and Ryan. I don't have a board and so he asked if I wanted to go get one. Before I came out here I had planned on getting one. So I did! After I got it we went to the one skate park and within the first minute of me being on the board I wiped out. I rode it fine from the car across the parking lot. But when I tried to enter it I didn't lean forward enough and fell back. I rock! I got up, went and retrieved my board and kept going. My knee felt funny and almost felt wet. I rolled up my pant leg and discovered my first injury. Knee Picture After a bit I noticed my right hand hurt. I may have bruised a bone or two at the base of my palm near my thumb when I landed. It was still fun none the less. And a good work out too. So there Jenn I'm doing cardio. ish. I need to go clean my wounds.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
i thought of a good title earlier... but i forgot it
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Saturday, June 9, 2007
my bad
I got up at about 8 because I had to run to the bank to withdraw money for rent and had to check-out of the residence by 11. My back was a little sore but I could walk fine so I figured it'd be ok. The bank isn't that far. Unfortunately I made it about a block when I felt my back completely seize up. Not a pleasant experience. So I walked the rest of the way in excruciating pain, and then walked back. I gathered all my stuff up and checked out. It was then I realized that there was a Booster Juice right there in the building! I had some time to kill so I grabbed one. When I was done I called a cab and headed to the house. I moved my stuff in, talked to the other two guys for a bit, and just took it easy. Mitch and Ryan skateboard so they're excited that they'll have someone else to skate with. From what I gather Mitch is pretty good and as Ryan put it, "I'm suck." He's still working on the English.
Friday, June 8, 2007
House. not the doctor
On a side note, I saw the biggest freaking rabbits I have ever seen in my life! The one was a fair bit bigger than Murdoch. On my way back tonight is the first time I've seen them here. But they were just roamin around on campus. It's like Waterloo's Geese. Except not nearly as many and a lot fuzzier and friendlier. Oh and also there's so many good filming locations here. I'm definitely gonna make some short films while I'm out here. Don't hold your breath though in case I'm too busy with work and stuff. I'll do what I can. Perhaps a certain sequel will have some stuff shot out here? OOOOO the possibilities! Stupid booster juice was closed when I came back. And the elevators weren't working when I got back. My body didn't need that after all the problems it's been giving me. I sure hope I don't wake up not being able to walk like this morning. That wasn't pleasant. Can't wait till I can get a bike. Until then I think I'm gonna get a skateboard. Ya that's right. I'm that awesome. You're jealous. You know it. Stop lying to yourself. Hey someone just went by on one. Coincidence? Yes. Yes it is.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
didn't see that coming
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
i've made a huge mistake
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
it's a start
I was just looking at flights and where I'll be staying when I first get there. Things are finally starting to come together.